More Information - Generators for Businesses

Power outages happen more often now.

There are two reasons:

  1. Storms are more frequent and more powerful
  2. The AVERAGE age of power lines and transformers in the U.S. is 28 years. And they aren't getting any younger.

No Electricity, No Business

Without electricity, almost every business stops. Even short-term outages interrupt operations. Whether the result is a simple loss of sales or more far-reaching damage to equipment, in-process goods, or inventory, the effect is pronounced. While automation has transformed business, it has also made reliable electricity a requirement.

No wonder businesses protect themselves and their investments with generators. They have essentially become a tangible form of business insurance.

The Good News:

Today's generators are more powerful, more efficient and less expensive than ever before. As demand has risen, so has technology and competition. Generators are a better bargain than ever.

And a wide range of options are available. Because so many companies utilize them, systems already exist for almost any operation. There are even modular systms built to change as your business operation changes.

Things to Know About Installation:

There are several things to consider when installing a generator. The first question asked is usually “What size do I need?”

This depends on two things: the total kilowatts required to run everything you choose to run during an outage and the additional startup wattage of bigger equipment, which is always greater than running wattage.

The first step in protecting your business from power outages lies in determing your requirment. This should be calculated by a licensed electrician. Or call us, we'll take care of it and help you find the best solution for your operation.

That's a start, but there are other things to consider. Some items, like electronic control units, are very sensitive to the power they receive. Fluctuations and harmonic distortion can cause damage. That must be avoided and can be, with the right help.

Transfer switches: The National Electrical Code requires a transfer switch for generator systems. This, in turn, requires a permit. Its another thing we will help you with. We deal with this daily.

What you get:

Obviously, with the right system, you can stop worrying about power outages. Your busines is protected year-round. You may not even notice a power outage until hear your generator running. That is as it should be. Generator systems engage as soon as there is an interruption in power from the grid, keeping your equipment and your operation safe and running.

And the protection lasts for years. Simple maintenance will insure your generator system is there for you for decades to come. We will even take care of the maintenance if you ask.

Another great feature of newer generators is that you can check your system anytime and anywhere. Our systems feature Wi-Fi and “Mobile Link” Remote monitoring. In the middle of the night or the middle of another continent, you can check your system status. You can even track your servicing schedule, and when your generator has run, anytime, anywhere.

Financial and Tax Considerations

Businesses can write off generator systems. Capital equipment, including generators, qualify as Section 179 tax deductions.

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